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CLK Advice: Liam's Landscaping Tips
over 3 years ago
CLK Advice: Liam's Landscaping Tips

Our CLK Team is here to help you when selling your home and our aim is to ensure the process is as smooth as it can be.

Home presentation and street appeal is super important to the appeal of your home to a masimum number of buyers and even the smallest improvements will increase your chances of achieving the highest possible price on sale day.

Through our CLK Advice Series, we'll be sharing tips from financial advice to home presentaion and how to cope with auction day nerves. Preparing your home for sale can be overwhelming but our experienced CLK team can provide a checklist of items to tick off and today we're kicking off with landscaping.

Check out the video with Brad from Jones Lawn and Garden Maintenance where Liam explains the incredible impact that spending as little as $2,000 to spruce up your place ready for sale.

As Liam explains this video is a great reminder that here in Echuca Moama we are surrounded by an abundance of trustworthy and reliable tradespeople and businesses that can help us present our homes at their best and we are more than happy to recommend them and sperad the word.

A big shout out to Brad at Jones Lawn & Garden Maintenance for donating his time to kick off the series with the perfect spring antidote for improving the outdoor space.

Our CLK comes in contact with daily tips and tricks to achieveing the best results for your home and it's only fair that we pass them onto you. At CLK First National, we put you first and we care about the end result.

Check out Liam's Landscaping Tips over on our Facebook page here.